Developing the OstreaVent II Adult Ventilator
August 2020
Taken during the online 40th Anniversary and 2020 Annual PAASE Meeting and Symposium (APAMS) of the Philippine-American Academy of Science & Engineering (PAASE) from July 20 – August 14, 2020.
ABSTRACT: In 2012, Dr. Enrique M. Ostrea, Jr., along with a team of mechanical and electrical engineers, developed the OstreaVent Infant Ventilator. Unlike commercial ventilators wherein the device is placed between the supply of air and oxygen mixture and the patient, the OstreaVent is placed after the patient. Instead of directly controlling the delivery of the mixture to the patient, the OstreaVent controls the exhaust out of the air system. A solenoid valve is used to alternate the flow of exhaust air mixture between a high-pressure path and a low-pressure path. Peak inspiratory pressure is adjusted by a throttling valve installed at the high-pressure path while the positive end expiratory pressure is adjusted by a similar valve installed at the low-pressure path. The solenoid valve is controlled by a programmable logic controller (PLC) which can be set to determine the number of breaths per minute and the length of inspiratory time. Other parameters can also be set on the PLC through a touchscreen interface, which also displays and logs various information.
The OstreaVent is quite successful with more than 70 units produced and deployed in various hospitals all over the Philippines to date. It cannot however be of much use for the current COVID19 pandemic as it is primarily designed for infants. The challenge is to develop a new version that can be used for adults, as well as to be able to handle other specifications.
The talk presents the main differences between the infant and the adult versions, the challenges encountered in developing the adult prototype, and the solutions implemented.
ABOUT PAASE: The Philippine-American Academy of Science & Engineering (PAASE) is a non-profit organization composed of scientists and engineers of Philippine descent who have distinguished themselves in scholarly and research related activities. PAASE was founded and incorporated in the US State of Indiana on April 23, 1980. PAASE aims to promote the advancement of science, engineering & technology; encourage collaborative work among scientists & engineers of Philippine descent in research and development through scholarly and scientific endeavors; support efforts that advance science & technology; and recognize and honor the achievements of scientists and engineers of Philippine descent. For more info, kindly visit our website: